St. Edmund's Pippin

A versatile apple.

First Reported1870
LocationBury St. Edmunds
UseDessert or Cider
AppearanceYellow/green, russeted
Use byImmediately

Saint Edmund's Pippin was discovered as a chance seedling by a Mr. R. Harvey at Bury St. Edmund's about 1870. It was given a First Class Certificate by the Royal Horticultural Society in 1875. It is sometimes called Early Golden Russet.

It is picked in mid–September. It does not store well and bruises easily. Thinning-out will sometimes be necessary as it is prone to over-bearing. It is also used to make very fine cider.

It is picked in mid–September. It does not store well and bruises easily. Thinning-out will sometimes be necessary as it is prone to over-bearing. It is also used to make very fine cider.

External Sites with Further Information

Orange Pippin     RHS

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